Vocational & Prevocational Services
Job placement designed with the individual in mind.
Customized Individual Goals
Employment Resources Inc. offers vocational and prevocational services for individuals with disabilities, and each service is customized to fit the needs of the service recipient.
Vocational and prevocational services at ERI focus on preparing an individual with the knowledge and skills to successfully prepare for, obtain, and sustain employment. The main goal is to assist service recipients in securing a job and being a part of the community.
Individuals with disabilities are a part of the community, just like everyone else, and they have the skills and ability to join the workforce and make a difference in the lives of people around them. Being a part of the community involves being able to handle social situations, building relationships, and communicating with others. With these programs, recipients are taught professional and social skills and how to operate in a community setting.
— ERI does not believe in the “one-size-fits-all” approach to employment services, and each person is treated as an individual with their own individual needs.
— ERI does not believe in the “one-size-fits-all” approach to employment services, and each person is treated as an individual with their own individual needs.

What are Prevocational Services?
Prevocational services are all about preparation. These are services that provide career exploration, learning and work experiences, and volunteer opportunities, and each one of these can lead to gainful employment. Service recipients can develop non-job-task-specific strengths and skills to help bolster their resume.
Here are some basic prevocational skills:
- Responsibility and integrity
- Time management
- Personal appearance
- Problem solving
- Critical thinking
- Positive attitude
- Accepting supervision
- Attendance
- Safety

What are Vocational Services?
Vocational services typically means you’re one step closer to employment. Prevocational services involve preparation and training, but vocational services often lead to job placement. These services include counseling, education, career training, and job placement. The counseling and guidance doesn’t stop after an individual gets a job. ERI career counselors continue to work with individuals after they’ve found a job which could lead to a better job in the future.
Here are some basic prevocational skills:
- Physical or mental restoration
- Vocational, college, or other training
- Assistive technology evaluations, equipment, and training
- Information on disability resources
- Personal assistance services while receiving VR services
- Transportation in connection with VR services being provided
- Supported employment
- Self-employment assistance
- Transition school-to-work services for youth with disabilities
- Other services based on individual needs

— Vocational training involves instructional programs that focus on the skills required for a particular job function. The education and training in these programs prepares individuals for specific careers.
- Physical or mental restoration
- Vocational, college, or other training
- Assistive technology evaluations, equipment, and training
- Information on disability resources
- Personal assistance services while receiving VR services
- Transportation in connection with VR services being provided
- Supported employment
- Self-employment assistance
- Transition school-to-work services for youth with disabilities
- Other services based on individual needs
Customized Services
ERI develops each job site with the individual in mind. Some volunteer their services at a local nonprofit organization to gain or improve their skills that will improve paid employment opportunities for them in the future. Others are placed in jobs that pay at least minimum wage and are provided a job coach to assist them with learning the job and to help them retain the job.
There isn’t a one-size fits all approach to our services, and each program is customized to fit the needs and skill level of the individual.
Each job is developed after gaining an understanding of the individual’s employment goals, strengths and interests. We don’t put people into jobs where there is an opening just to fill an open position. Our ERI staff matches each person to each job to find the best possible fit with what the employer needs and with the individual worker.
— At ERI, our clients are involved in all aspects of their own lives, and our staff can effectively teach and train them to make sound decisions that will positively impact their lives.
— At ERI, our clients are involved in all aspects of their own lives, and our staff can effectively teach and train them to make sound decisions that will positively impact their lives.

Career Counselors
At ERI, a career counselor is assigned to the individual and they keep that same counselor for the duration of the program. Our counselors establish relationships with their clients which allows them to personally monitor the client’s growth and success. Typically, a career counselor helps identify the factors influencing career development, and our staff has the expertise to help find the right career path.
Contact Us Today To Get Started
Our focus is your individual needs and helping you succeed.
At ERI, we believe in your power to make choices and supporting you reach your vocational goals.